
Adding value to the Brand

Technology Explainer Video / Brochures / Product Rendering / Website Design

Stampida is a company located in Barcelona, Spain, focused in creating complete solutions for the hotstamping industry. Able to visit your company, install the machine, supply the films and do the maintenance.

Visit for more information.

Technology Explainer Video


s part of the content created, a Product Video was developed, explaining the features, advantages and opportunities the ST04 offers.
Each of the main features of the product is explained through animations and visual fx.
This video is an excellent tool for Stampida, since in 2 minutes it explains in a visual and simple way, a product.
In addition, it allows us to advance the promotion to the manufacturing of the product, in those cases where it is necessary.

Product Rendering

In some industries, where the environment is complex, and the dimensions of the machines are very large, taking real pictures of the product is very complex, and has a high cost. In addition, it implies to have the machine exclusively for the photographic session.
In these cases, making renders is an ideal solution.

It allows to isolate the product from the background, to integrate it in any medium without problems, to illuminate it optimally, and above all, it does not condition the operation of the industry.

Product & Services Brochures

As part of the brand’s promotional material, for some of the products that Stampida develops, a small Brochure is created, with the main advantages, features, and technical aspects.
In this case, the product is the ST10 hot stamping center.

Web Design

As part of the Global Solution offered to Stampida, I developed the visual design of the website. In addition, I created all the necessary content to feed this Web, composed of 3D geometry renders.

I am a graduate Product Designer, and I have been developing multimedia content, especially oriented to Products, for 20+ years. A professional work method, together with a great capacity to adapt to changes, define me as a designer.

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