Reinforce 3D

Adding value to the Brand

Technology Explainer Video

Reinforce 3D is a start-up aimed to further develop and commercialize the Continuous Fiber Injection Process (CFIP) Technology. It was funded in 2022 by BeAble Innvierte Kets Fund (BIKF), Eurecat and Marc Crescenti.

Visit to learn more about them.

Technology Explainer Video


s part of the content created, a Technology Explainer Video was developed, explaining the features, advantages and opportunities the Delta Instrument offers.
Each of the main features of the product is explained through animations and visual fx.
This video is an excellent tool for Reinforce3D, since in 2 minutes it explains in a visual and simple way, a technology fundamentals.
In addition, it allows Reinforce3D to show parts and processes that happen inside the product, something impossible to record or photograph given the scale.

I am a graduate Product Designer, and I have been developing multimedia content, especially oriented to Products, for 20+ years. A professional work method, together with a great capacity to adapt to changes, define me as a designer.

Want to know more ? Visit About LG.